Providing faith and pastoral services for all who live and work in prisons.

Prison chaplains

Prison Chaplains in England and Wales are employed by HM Prison Service and various private providers to offer faith and pastoral services for all who live and work in the prisons. 

A Prison Chaplain who is from a Free Churches background will work as part of a multi-faith Chaplaincy team, proportioned according to the faith breakdown of the prison. They will share fully in ministry and service to prisoners and staff, and offer a particular role in meeting faith needs of those who identify themselves as Free Church.

To learn more in this area of the Free Churches Group, read chaplaincy HQ's booklet - 'A Guide to Religious Practice in Prison' :

an insight into prison chaplaincy

To find out more about prison chaplaincy and what a typical day could look like for someone who undertakes this profession, read the 'About Prison Chaplaincy' blog post - written by Bob Wilson, the Free Churches' Secretary for Prison Chaplaincy - by clicking on the button below:

Prisons News


Bob Wilson is the Free Churches Faith Advisor to the Prison and Probation service in England and Wales. Engaging with our member denominations, Christian and multi-faith charities involved in Prison ministry, and HMPPS Chaplaincy HQ, Bob works to ensure that Free Churches Prison Chaplains are appropriately accredited and supported. He is uniquely placed to Endorse all seeking to serve as Chaplains in the prisons of England and Wales.