A prayer for us all - as learners...

Jonathan Green, who works with us at the Free Churches Group, has written and published a range of thought-provoking and interesting prayers. His work with prisons and with the Welcome Directory has been pioneering. You can read more about the Welcome Directory HERE

Let us pray...


Lord Jesus Christ, our master and guide. 

We are your disciples, devoted to a lifetime of learning from you. 

Learning about your life, not only of what we read about in the pages of our Bibles, but also about your life among us now. 

We give our lives, not only to understanding the scriptures about you, but to living in response to that revelation in the details of our lives day by day.

The more we learn, the more we realise how deeply transforming your way is. 

As our experience deepens, we realise that your Kingdom is within us; bubbling up, abundant and overflowing.

We are becoming alive! 

The ramifications of all you call us to be are overwhelming. 

We really shall do greater things than you. 

To heal the bruised and broken. 

To hold the marginalised. 

To speak on behalf of the voiceless. 

To be advocates for the downtrodden. 

Not isolated acts of grace, but acting together on a global scale and in a sustained way. 

Your Church, a global community of learners, doing the stuff. 

May we be malleable, humble, teachable, deep, true, integrated, meek; open to change and ever growing towards you.

Joy and peace are ours and ours to share. 

You call us to collaborate with you in transformations, even as we too are being transformed.  For evermore. 


Green, Jonathan. Fractal Beauty: 52 Prayers (Kindle Locations 662-667). Re:creative Media. Kindle Edition.

You can read, pray and share more of these evocative and inspiring prayers by downloading the e-book HERE