Why was our freedom taken away with theirs?

Why was our freedom taken away with theirs? This is a heartfelt and compelling question for families who have a relative in prison.

A few years ago, I had the honour of taking part in A Hidden Sentence course facilitated by the prison charity PACT (The Prison Advice and Care Trust). It was a thought provoking programme to be part of. This course was developed and named from a phrase that PACT have so often heard from prisoners’ families as a description of how their lives can feel - a hidden sentence. It was challenging and inspiring to be part of this training; I am heartened to see that Pact are going from strength to strength in their work and are a key sponsor for Prisons Week.

Today’s prayer is praying with families…

Faithful God, who watches and waits with those who are betrayed and suffer; draw near to family members who are affected by crime and imprisonment. Give us your strength to persevere through pain and disappointment, soothe our anger and heal the wounds of separation and loss. Help us to know your grace to find forgiveness and hope for the journey ahead. Faithful God, set us free. Amen.

“To my Son I miss U and I pray to God you won’t come back here again.”

“God, I miss my Daddy. Try to help him. Please bring him home.”

Prayers from prisoners’ families for Prisons Week

(photo courtesy of Ben White @ Unsplash)

Sara Iles, FCG website support