Will you be an Angel this Christmas and bring some joy?

The Prisons’ Team at the FCG has an excellent working relationship with Prison Fellowship. One of their most vital projects at this time of year is Angel Tree.

Rev Bob Wilson, our Secretary for Prison Chaplaincy and Free Churches Faith Adviser, proudly supports their work in any way he can. Bob say, “Angel Tree is a superb example of seeking to address the issues of those serving a ‘hidden sentence’ through no fault of theirs in a way that demonstrates love, grace and generosity.”

Angel Tree gives parents in prison the opportunity to send a Christmas present to their children. Last year they sent out over 4,800 gifts! Christmas is especially difficult for prisoners and their children. Angel Tree lessens the devastation experienced as a result of parental absence by not only helping families connect and build relationships, but by providing children with much-needed joy.

Pray with us

Please pray that there will be a generous outpouring for Angel Tree, and that individuals and churches alike will feel called to support families separated by a prison sentence this Christmas. Amen

“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4-5

(photo courtesy of Nick Fewings at Unsplash)