Working in schools? Christmas teaching materials to share

Barnabas in Schools have produced an interesting and engaging range of resources for churches to share with schools they work with.

They’re all about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.

You can see the way that people in Peru celebrate the birth of Jesus HERE.

They have produces materials about other countries too, including Uganda and the Philippines.

Around the world Barnabas and celebrating Christmas as a global church…

The Barnabas in Schools Prayer

Jesus, you chose a child as a model for adult maturity and of God’s presence among us. Thank you for our schools with their teachers and children. 

Together may they create: safe places for lives to flourish; happy places for wonder and discovery; hopeful places of peace and healing; stimulating places of learning and laughter; places where everyone feels valued and respected; places that offer security and stability to all; places where both old and young can find purpose and direction in life.


(photo courtesy of Catherine AGM at Unsplash)