The Welcome Directory has a new website!

The Welcome Directory has a simple yet powerful vision: to help faith communities become places where people who leave prison find acceptance. A place to belong that not only nurtures faith but also offers appropriate practical support. 

They have just launched an exciting and informative new website which you can check out HERE.

People are at the very heart of the vital work that The Welcome Directory do! … people who have found the benefits of being part of a faith community whether inside or outside the prison gates. If nothing else, we hope that engaging with The Welcome Directory will help you to understand that in a deeper way; that those leaving prison have a name, a story as well as hopes and dreams for their lives beyond the prison gate.

You can register for the newsletter - why not sign up here

On the website, you can find out more about their work, watch inspiring films on Leaving Prison in Faith and register for their newsletter and much more!

(photo courtesy of Daniel Weiss at Unsplash)