Holy Week and Easter activities for all

For many Christians across the world, Holy Week and Easter will be celebrated at home. And although we may not be able to gather in person, we can celebrate Easter in a number of different ways. Here are some activities you can do, either on your own or as a family, to journey through this sacred season.

Thy Kingdom Come and partners have shared a range of resources and activities for all this Easter…. lots to explore below…

Will you share the joy of Easter and #SingResurrection on Sunday?

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland are encouraging Christians in the UK, to be part of a countrywide chorus of well-loved hymns at 10.00 am (GMT) on Easter Day. You can sing from the comfort of your own doorstep, along with your neighbours to celebrate our Risen Lord and King, Jesus.  What a potentially wonderful witness this could be the wider community? Full details can be found here. 


There are lots of other resources you can check out too, including this offering from The Methodist Church.


(photo courtesy of Alicia Quan at Unsplash)