Education Sunday is this Sunday - A Word in Season - join us

Join us as we get ready for Education Sunday which is held this year on 12th September!

For well over one hundred years there has been an annual recognition of Education Sunday in England and Wales. It is a national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education.

This year the theme is: A Word in Season.

There are lots of inspiring and helpful resources and materials to help you in your church to celebrate this day. As well as a thought-provoking sermon, there is a theme introduction from FCG Moderator, Revd Dr Hugh Osgood, a ‘Commissioning Prayers’ for Education Sunday, an all age worship outline, primary and secondary school age collective worship and a new hymn written especially for the celebration.

We hope you enjoy using and sharing these resources (via the Churches Together in England website) which you can access by clicking the button below:

(cover photo courtesy of Aaron Burden at Unsplash)