Breaking the bonds of fear and isolation...

Break the bonds of fear and isolation… this is a plea and a prayer to almighty God, for those who are in prison. It is part of the Prisons Week prayer.

During this week, churches and communities are praying for those who are in prison and those affected by crimes. The theme for Prisons Week this year is What does freedom mean to you? And are you free? and is inspired by the reassurance and promise we find in Holy Scripture in Psalm 111:9 (NCV): ‘He sets his people free. He made his agreement everlasting. He is holy and wonderful.’

The prayer for today starts with asking us this question…. Is freedom found outside the walls or inside ourselves?

How would you answer this?

Through the amazing work which our prison chaplains do, and with all the prayer and support that we can give from our churches, we can be active partners with God to…. break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. Support, with Your love, prisoners and their families and friends, prison staff and all who care.

PRAYING WITH PRISONERS - Holy God of all creation, you see inside each one of us, knowing us better than we know ourselves. You see the hurt and harm, the brokenness and sin. You know the truth about our past and our present, all that traps and imprisons us. Unlock our hearts to let Christ in, so that his love and strength can help overcome all that imprisons us and lead us to the freedom he promised in life, in death and in eternity. Holy God, set us free. Amen.

“Take me prisoner, Lord

And truly set me free;

Help me lay down my sword,

Then victorious I shall be.”

A prisoner’s prayer for Prisons Week

(photo courtesy of Hans Eiskonen @ Unsplash)