Praying with the victims of crime...

Continuing on the theme of freedom for this year’s Prisons Week, we are challenged to consider Where is freedom now? for the victims of crime.

For many people who have been affected by crime, it can mean feeling trapped in the circumstances and nightmares of that which has been perpetrated against them… it can lead to fear, hopelessness and grief…

The criminal justice system works hard to support victims of crime and programmes such as Restorative Justice can often bring about a sense of healing for those affected by crimes. All of our churches and communities are affected by crime in some way or know those who have been… .

Today’s prayer, this Prisons Week, is praying with the victims of crime….

Loving God, always close to us, be very present in lives shattered by crime, and with those searching for a freedom unjustly taken away. May your Spirit of comfort and healing find ways of breaking through walls of mistrust, fear and injustice, working through all who build us up with love and care, taking one step at a time on the path to freedom. Loving God, set us free. Amen.

“Unbind me from the bonds of grief and fear

that I may become again

the person you created me to be –

a person of joy, of love, of trust, and hope.”

Prayer of a victim of crime

(photo courtesy of Melanie Wasser @ Unsplash)