Christmas Greetings to you all


It’s that time of the year when we begin to reflect on a year gone by, to look forward to remembering the events in Bethlehem a long time ago and onwards to a new year.

It’s been a busy year in the Chaplaincy world. The Chaplaincy Leadership Forum and the Network for Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious care have formed a new group - Healthcare Chaplaincy Forum for Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious Care launched on December 1st 2017.

The new procurement system for NHS Chaplaincy Project funding has been changed, and tested – now we await the outcome of the bidding process. Once known the work streams for the next 2 years will be announced. This we hope to do before Christmas.

Changes are ever present and on the committees we have some vacancies. The Free Churches Group needs to recruit the following –

·         A Free Church Chaplain to join the Network for Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious Care in Health (The faith and Belief Group). The Network meets 3 – 4 times a year in London, and the nominated individual has the responsibility of bring news and concerns, ideas and proposals from their sending faith community and sharing the work of the Network back into the sending community.

·         A Free Church Chaplain to share in the work of the Health Care Chaplaincy Steering Committee that has responsibility to promote Chaplaincy from a Free Church perspective, support Free Church Chaplains and support the work of the Secretary for Free Church Chaplaincy. This group meets twice a year face to face with audio calls as necessary.

Do get in touch if you would like to explore these opportunities further.

Another key change is in my working pattern. From January 1st I will be working half time. I have some interesting opportunities I want to follow up and to enjoy both my work and these new things I need to make space in the diary. To facilitate this change the Free Churches Group have engaged Red Meg Burton to cover the ‘other half’ of the week – although in reality we will be job sharing and ensuring that all work is covered. Some of you will know Meg already, and I am sure you will make her feel welcome and benefit from her knowledge and expertise especially in End of Life Care.

Over the past few weeks I have been reminded about the challenges to individuals and their families and friends when serious illness strikes, particularly at this time of the year, and was minded to write the following:-

love and tree.jpg

Holy Child of Bethlehem, you started your earthly life in a borrowed manger,

Your arrival noted by the isolated and the weary.

Yet with your arrival the world was opened to new possibilities of hope, love and peace.

This Christmas we pray for those who are sick, at home or in hospital,

those whose pain cannot be seen,

those who fear the night and those for whom  the day is too long.

Let us also pray for  those who will care in homes and in hospital,  those who will acknowledge the pain that cannot be seen,

 those who will share the dark of the night and the  length of the day.

May they all be reminded of the gift of hope, love and peace that came down at Christmas.

And for those of us who are well enough to share time with friends and family, let us be thankful, mindful of the needs of others and willing to play our part to share Gods love. Amen.                                                                                                                   

May you all be richly blessed this Christmas time,


December 2017

This Christmas Newsletter 2017 is available to download here. 

What is Christmas all about?

Spinnaker create and share a range of Christian resources for use in schools, churches and community settings throughout the year. They are a team of committed Christians with links to the mainstream churches within the Christian community. They operate in 14 hubs around South London, Kent, Surrey and West Sussex, supporting primary schools in the delivery of Christian collective worship and religious education.

Is your church in that area? If so, get in touch and see how your church could get involved more?

If your church is outside this area, you can still support Spinnaker and make use of their wonderful inspiring resources! You can also make donations to Spinnaker, pray for their work or volunteer with them... 

So... What is Christmas all about? - There are some RE lessons using a series of Christmas card pictures of the nativity story – using a set of knitted dolls – can be used to discuss the story of Christmas with children.

You can explore the resources HERE

In the coming year, why not use and share other resources from the Spinnaker? There are many to choose from - perhaps you could try Jesus, the greatest story teller... 


Art in Heaven...

The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) have hosted a Spirited Arts exhibition and competition to encourage children and young people explore themes of faith and belief. There are some really inspiring and thought-provoking pictures - you can take a look HERE

Do you use drawing and painting activities with your church groups?

Thinking about, designing and sharing pictures can be a stimulating and creative way to learn about our faith and explore ideas.

Why not begin drawing and painting in the new year with your children and young people?

It's great fun for adults to get involved too and discover their artistic gifts! 

There are lots of ways you can create an atmosphere of creativity and imagination:

Godly Play 

Bible Crafts and Resources for Children

The painting on this article is by Madeleine, aged 5, from Christ Church Charnock Richard CE Primary School

"Footprints in the Sand - My painting is of the poem ‘Footprints in the sand.’ On the beach I can see two lots of footprints, mine and God’s but sometimes there is only one set of footprints. That is when God is giving me a piggy back. This painting was done during the week after the Manchester bombings “God is giving those people who are sad piggy back rides isn’t he?” "

A prayer for us all - as learners...

Jonathan Green, who works with us at the Free Churches Group, has written and published a range of thought-provoking and interesting prayers. His work with prisons and with the Welcome Directory has been pioneering. You can read more about the Welcome Directory HERE

Let us pray...


Lord Jesus Christ, our master and guide. 

We are your disciples, devoted to a lifetime of learning from you. 

Learning about your life, not only of what we read about in the pages of our Bibles, but also about your life among us now. 

We give our lives, not only to understanding the scriptures about you, but to living in response to that revelation in the details of our lives day by day.

The more we learn, the more we realise how deeply transforming your way is. 

As our experience deepens, we realise that your Kingdom is within us; bubbling up, abundant and overflowing.

We are becoming alive! 

The ramifications of all you call us to be are overwhelming. 

We really shall do greater things than you. 

To heal the bruised and broken. 

To hold the marginalised. 

To speak on behalf of the voiceless. 

To be advocates for the downtrodden. 

Not isolated acts of grace, but acting together on a global scale and in a sustained way. 

Your Church, a global community of learners, doing the stuff. 

May we be malleable, humble, teachable, deep, true, integrated, meek; open to change and ever growing towards you.

Joy and peace are ours and ours to share. 

You call us to collaborate with you in transformations, even as we too are being transformed.  For evermore. 


Green, Jonathan. Fractal Beauty: 52 Prayers (Kindle Locations 662-667). Re:creative Media. Kindle Edition.

You can read, pray and share more of these evocative and inspiring prayers by downloading the e-book HERE

'Education has the best chance of turning lives around'

Emily Dewar-Langridge teaches young offenders at Feltham prison, and has won an award for the difference she’s made to students. Here, she explains her role. 

Emily writes: "I’ve been a teacher at Feltham prison – an institution for young male offenders – for two years now. I work with 15 to 18-year-olds, but only a few of them stay with us throughout those years. The average sentence served here is about four months, so the group changes frequently....." You can read more about challenges and opportunities encountered and the hope this teacher sees in who she works with, in the newspaper article online HERE

Wherever we might find ourselves in life, we always have the chance through education and support, to make a fresh work towards fulfilling our God-given potential.

Education has the power to turn our lives around, even when we might feel lost or broken...

Education can give help us to see a silver lining to build a brighter future, even when the present moment feels cloudy and hopeless... 

Have you been inspired by this teacher's story? what could you do in your church or as an individual Christian to make a difference for education in prisons?

You might find some of the these links helpful in praying and thinking about planning this... :

Prison Advice and Care Trust

Prison Fellowship 

Free Churches Group Welcome Directory

Prison Hope