
Pop–Up Reflective Practice for the Free Church Healthcare Chaplain

Reflective practice is part of the Ten Essential Shared Capabilities described in the UKBHC Capabilities and Competences (2015) document. Similarly, within the Spiritual Care Competences for Healthcare Chaplains (2020) document agreed for Scotland, is recognised as one of four domains of healthcare chaplaincy competence. As part of the process of continuing professional development chaplains are expected to demonstrates the ability to reflect upon practice in order to develop and inform their professional practice. Reflective practice, as described by Mark Stobert, is a form of supervision that is underpinned by a reflective practice mindset. It uses the potential of ‘reframing’ situations to unearth creative responses to those situations and to develop new knowledge of practice for those situations. Over time it becomes a developing state of mind so that we can reflect in action, not just on action. These pop-up sessions are for anyone to join, but are particularly aimed at those in smaller teams who might otherwise struggle to engage in reflective practice.

Photo by Carolina Heza on Unsplash

Dates for the first part of the year are as follows:

  • Thursday January 25th 12:00 to 13:00 

  • Tuesday February 20th 09:00 to 10:00 

  • Tuesday 26th March 12:00 to 13:00 

  • Thursday 25th April 15:30 to 16:30 

  • May- TBC

  • Monday 10th June 12:00 to 13:00 

  • Tuesday 16th July 13:00 to 14:00 

A reflection sheet for chaplains to use before the session to help think about what they might have on their mind and after the session to record learning can be downloaded from here. For more information or links/diary invites to the session, please contact Mark Newitt at

Day at the Palace

A reflection from Yvonne Campbell, General Secretary of the Congregational Federation and Director of the Free Churches Group

On Thursday 9th March I travelled to London to see the King. It was such an honour to be asked to be part of a small group of twelve to represent the Free Churches which are recognised as a privileged body to the Monarch.

There are 27 privileged bodies including Church denominations, various universities, royal boroughs, and cities. In times gone by it was the only way the Monarch would hear their news and be assured of their loyalty. However, in 2023, when communication is much better, the purpose and formality remain.

We met at the Free Churches Group office in Tavistock Square. As well as me from the Congregational Federation there was a representative from the URC, Independent Methodist, CIC, Baptist Union, Salvation Army and our Moderator, Helen Cameron. We had a photo and prayed together, then travelled by minibus to the palace. The driver was just as excited as us as we drove through the gates. It turned out his Dad had met the Queen in his role as ambassador of Grenada.

The Palace was grand, plush carpets, Queen Victoria’s cypher over the doorways, beautiful staircases, and huge paintings on the wall. We collected our name badges and were given an order booklet which contained everyone’s names and the history of each of the groups.

As we walked into the ballroom, we were shown to our seats, some of us on the front row and others just behind on the second row. An orchestra played as we waited patiently for the King. When he arrived, we all stood, Beefeaters took their place first and the King was accompanied by Gurkhas.

The orchestra played the National Anthem and then we all sat.

One by one a representative from each of the privileged bodies stood in front of the King and gave a speech. They all declared their loyalty, offered sympathies for the late Queen, spoke a little of their organisation and either assured the King of prayers or wished him good health and happiness.

Each time the King stood, accepted the speech and said a few words. Helen spoke beautifully and the King thanked her for the generosity and grace of our address and for the assurance of our prayers.

At the end of all the speeches the King gave an address which included a note for us to tell those who work with us of his admiration and appreciation for all we do.

There was a reception afterwards when the King mingled and spoke to lots of people including a few from our group. We ate quail eggs and lemon macaroons while we mingled with others, I spoke to some of the military Knights, the King’s ushers, Iain Greenshields, Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Canons from Westminster Abbey, who joked that if you stand still long enough at the moment you would be dusted or painted in preparation for the coronation, Cardinal Nichols and Sadiq Khan.

As one of the trustees, I had helped prepare the brief history and the speech that had to be made to the King. It was so wonderful to experience the event, be in the Palace and raise the profile of the Free Churches and all the wonderful work our churches do to serve their community and build the kingdom.

Light a candle of hope on Sunday 22nd March


Light a Candle of Hope A call to prayer re. the Coronavirus pandemic A National Day of Prayer and Action has been announced by the presidents of Churches Together in England.

In an excerpt from a joint letter issued today, they wrote: "At such a time as this, when so many are fearful and there is great uncertainty, we are reminded of our dependence on our loving Heavenly Father and the future that he holds. Therefore, at 7pm (GMT) this Sunday, light a candle in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer." Wherever you are in the world, we invite you to join with us in prayer to see an end to the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7


*Safety note - please take all necessary fire precautions when using a lit candle. Ensure you remain with the lit candle at all times, and do not leave it to burn if you leave the room. Ensure there are no fabrics or materials such as curtains near the candle. If you are able to use a small electric ‘candle’ instead, that will be safe to leave unattended.


All are welcome in this place...

Following advice from the Government advising churches to suspend public worship, whilst some churches are staying open to provide support in their communities, we are hosting a website page where member churches / groups can discover resources and still feel part of our wider Free Churches network. Over the next few weeks, we will share worship resources, Bible studies, reflections and prayers.

We would like to welcome you to this place…

General resources

  • Mothering Sunday invitation from Rev Barry Osborne (CEO Rural Mission Solutions) - Join a virtual service for Mothering Sunday; 10-10.30am

  • A national call to prayer 22nd March 7pm - Light a Candle of Hope Presidents of Churches Together in England - Archbishop Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury; Cardinal Vincent Nichols, The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster; Revd Dr Hugh Osgood, The Free Churches Moderator; Archbishop Angaelos of London, CTE President for the Orthodox Churches; Pastor Agu Irukwu, CTE Pentecostal President.

  • Daily devotions prepared by the United Reformed Church (URC) and shared here for you. You can also use this link to subscribe to these. Each Sunday, at 10 a.m., Sunday worship will be provided in written and audio form, complete with prayers and hymns to join in, in the style of a radio broadcast




(cover photo courtesy of Melissa, who is a 15 year old Gateway programme student)

Disclaimer: NB - all resources and information are for advice only. For medical and legal information about the Coronavirus pandemic please check HERE.

(Photo below from national orchid show held at a school in Somerset)


Reforming Christianity

Do you work with children aged between 7 and 16 years old? Then you might be interested in these religious education teaching resources.

These resources have been commissioned by the Free Churches Group and The Methodist Church, sponsored by the Westhill Endowment and produced in association with RE Today Services.

The resources were written and launched to commemorate The Reformation. They are a dynamic and engaging range of teaching and learning materials you can share as part of your work with children and young people.

If you are working as an RE teacher in schools or know someone at your church who is, why not pass these on to them too? It could help them with their planning for the next academic year.


For teachers and support staff in the teaching of RE and those studying RE at primary and secondary school. We pray for NATRE (National Association of Teachers of RE) and pray for wisdom as we engage with all faith traditions. Amen.


RE Reformation resources and why not register for the NATRE newsletter if the RE curriculum interests and inspires you to dig deeper

(Image courtesy of Masaaki Komori @ Unsplash)